Category: Blog Articles
Cut Marketing Costs and Grow Your Business Revenue
Choose the right Marketing channels to grow your revenues and reduce your costs The Marketing department is usually the first one getting cuts when times are hard. Unfortunately, Marketing is also the only way to bring new leads and grow revenue.Depending on how well your brand is known and represented, these costs may have a…
Google Updates for 2024: What happened and what to expect?
While one cannot really know what is in “Google’s mind” for 2024 we can certainly make some assumptions based on what we have seen in 2023 regarding Updates. Let’s take a look on what we can expect for Google’s 2024 Updates. Google Updates for 2024: What to expect? Up until 2021, we saw Google putting…
Video is Not the Main Content: Why are your videos not getting indexed?
If you are paying close attention to your Google Search Console, you may have noticed your videos all got de-indexed in mid-December. Google did NOT mention this in any update nor was this very talked about in the SEO Chatter communities. So what happened with videos and why are they not getting indexed anymore? As…